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Puppy Grooming Options

For Pups under 6 months

When considering grooming now and in the future it is important to be honest about how much time you have to commit to brushing your dog. People always ask how often any dog should be groomed. For those that brush puppy daily, spend time touching paws, trimming nails and cleaning ears then there is less reason to book as often with a professional groomer.


If your intentions are good, but grooming is not easy with other commitments then it is important to book witha groomer once a month minimum in the first 6 months to expose puppy to the grooming process and prevent tangles which have the potential to cause pain and anxiety with brushing moving forward.


Two options for puppy grooming determine how much time is spent. Puppies who have early expereinces of a pleasant expereince and who are regularly groomed, will begin a lifetime of non traumatic grooming experineces. Putting off brushing, nail trimming and handling or not rtegularly showing puppy this bonding experience, can cause long term anxiety and an expensive grooming process.

Puppy in Red Cushion

45 minute option

Smaller puppies and those who are calmer and require less time can select the  45 minute option. Pups can be washed, dried and have their ears and nails checked and if required, cleaned and trimmed. A basic tidy up of faces for curly coated breeds is possible in the time.

Image by mtsjrdl

one and a half hour option

Larger puppies and those who are high energy, thicker coated or easily stressed can select the  1.5 hour puppy grooming option. It is important to select enough time to offer your puppy a full experience, involving a selection of equipment and handling body parts without fear in order to more easily desensitise them to the process.

Image by mtsjrdl
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